My city should be green, stimulating and friendly both to its residents and to the environment. The environment, jobs and building are still seen to be competing against each other. Attitudes need to be changed, so that there would be an understanding for the fact that combining these is the key to a successful and attractive city. Citizen participation is not widely used and work needs to be done in order to give the residents of Turku better possibilities to participate in the development of our city.
Together we make Turku greener and more active!
- We enliven the city centre by expanding pedestrian zones, increasing the number of public spaces and plantations
- We improve safety with a comprehensive cycle network
- We intensify public transportation by building a light rail system
- We increase citizen participation, develop the city together
- We ensure day care of high quality and good school services
- We offer apprenticeships and job opportunities
- We increase well fair through versatile hobby possibilities
- We create jobs by investing in circular economy
- We protect our environment, preserve the natural assets of our islands
The municipal elections campaign manifesto for the Greens in Turku.
My Election Promises
- I will not take money, favours or gifts from parties, to whom I would be indebted to.
- I will take into account the long-term effects of the decisions on g. the environment.
- I will try to bring forward the voice of young people and families to the decision tables.